The golden scars

Kintsugi  金 継 ぎ, “gold carpentry” o Kintsukuroi   金 繕, “gold repair”

If you arrived here it is because like me you are interested in the ancestral technique of Kintsugi, which reflects in a great way the Japanese spirit that combines technique, beauty and perfection, turning common objects into valuable articles not only for the gold that unites them, creating beautiful scars, but for the strength and timeless beauty they acquire.

The beauty of this art has transcended beyond just the repair of Japanese ceramics, reaching fields such as philosophy, coaching, music, sculpture, literature and poetry.

It has come to take such importance, not only for the value that it acquires when using gold, silver or platinum for its arrangement, that it is even said that there are people who have intentionally broken their pieces of ancient ceramic to be able to give it that sublime value that it takes to the be “repaired” and that transforms the object into something unique, unrepeatable.

Kintsugi, el arte de la belleza y las cicatrices de oro. Arte tradicional japones de reparar cerámica.
Kintsugi, the beauty of scars.

In this site I will try to make widely known what Kintsugi is in various aspects from its origins, technique and areas of human knowledge that it has touched.

Also as an extra I will suggest some articles that I think may be of interest without this being an online store. Just to have the complete range between the knowledge of such an exciting subject and the possibility of acquiring something that adds beauty to our space, that shows us some technique or that helps us to repair our own scars.